What story means to me...

Hi. Anna here!

I had an amazing conversation yesterday with a friend who was interested in collaborating on  a series of workshops around conflict, communication, and storytelling... (stay tuned!)

I was surprised to find that the conversation brought up feelings of nostalgia about the time when my only "sales pitch" was why story was important to me and why it was such a powerful tool for us to connect to ourselves and those around us.

Long before I jumped head first into the world of marketing and nailing that perfect pitch.

I recorded this video in May 2017, with the generous help of a few friends, during my first trip to the SF Bay area (before I had a clue that I'd end up moving here).

I have always been reluctant to share it publicly for some reason. But, today felt like the day I'd been waiting for.

Please take a few minutes to watch this video, if you want a little glimpse into my love for story!


With love,

Anna Darian

Storyteller, Coach, Live Yo' Dream Enthusiast

And here's to 2018, and re-embracing the revolutionary power of connection through story!

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