Join the Story Boss Nation ride in 2018!
Hi. Anna here!
If you’re seeing this email, it means that our paths crossed at some point as Story Boss Nation took shape and flight! So, first, I wanted to say thank you for sharing your time, energy, inspiration!
For those who have been following, this year has been a big one for me. Peaking with the decision to quit my day job, without a clear plan of what was coming next, or frankly even where I’d end up living.
When I left my job in May, the only thing I knew with certainty was that helping create radically honest connections through storytelling was my purpose for being on earth and I wanted to share this passion with as many people as possible.
This mission turned into me taking off on a cross-country road trip that was only supposed to be a quick summer trip but somehow turned into a 7 month quest to find where I wanted to call home and see Story Boss Nation thrive!
I’ve spent the last few days reflecting on 2017, and oh man, I did A LOT! But what struck me most was how many people stepped up to show love, from giving support to opening their homes to me. My heart is full of gratitude as I say, with full confidence, that I am living the life of my dreams, in all the ups and downs…and trust me there have been many of each this year.
Today, I am thrilled to be living in the San Francisco Bay area, building a community, establishing roots, fully embodying the title STORYTELLING COACH, and doubling down on helping other passionate entrepreneurs rise above the noise, by connecting to their purpose, story, and VOICE like a BOSS!
If I could sum up 2017 in one sentence, it would be “embrace the bittersweet.” There is no light without the dark…so, no sense in hiding from pain.
I will continue sharing details about my story, storytelling resources, live events, etc… via a newsletter & blog. I will never email just for the sake of emailing. You will only hear from me when I have something meaningful to share.
Ok, all for now! More to come soon…
In the meantime, feel free to check out much of the journey to date on the Story Boss Nation YouTube channel.
Happy New Year! Make 2018 count. Make big dreams. They can come true. I promise ;)
With love,
Anna Darian
Storyteller, Coach, Live Yo' Dream Enthusiast